The Sketchanet Image Slider has just the right amount of features...

 you only need to add some captions, images and take notes of some transition effects that come with the slider to get started straight away. Below are just a few of the image sliders easily created using Sketchanet.  Click on the build it links below each gallery for a detailed description of it's settings.


Fixed Height Multi slide carousel With variable WIDTH slides


Build It


Multi slide carousel 5 slides


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Multi slide carousel 3 slides


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Single Slide Fade

Slides fade into the next


Build It


Single slides carousel fiT


Build It


Single slides carousel fill


Build It


navigation dots outside


Build It


navigation dots INSIDE


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Clicking on the image opens it up in a full screen overlay


Build It

Grid + Lightbox

Clicking on one of the images opens the gallery in a full screen overlay


Build It


Just a Grid (No click Action!)


Build It

Social Icons


Build It



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